

The concerts will take place on friday the 5th of july at 19.30h in the Concert Hall of the Conservatory of Torrent and on sunday the 7th of july at 19.30h in the church of the emblematic XIX century hospice La Benificencia in Valencia. Free entrance.


  1. R. Schumann (1810-1856): Fantasiepieces op.76 (clar/piano)
  2. L. Von Beethoven (1770-1827): String trio op.3 no.1 (vi/vla/vc)
  3. M.Bruch (1838-1920): Four Pieces op.83 (clar/vla/pi)
  4. J.Novak (1921-1984): Preludio and Fuga (fl.solo)
  5. L. Von Beethoven(1770-1827): Serenada op.25 (fl/vi/vla)
  6. J. Brahms ( 1833-1897): Pianoquartet no.3 op.60 (vi/vla/vc/pi)

  1.                                    ”Joyas de la música de cámara”
  2. F. Mendelssohn (1809-1847): Concertpiece no.2 op.114 ( clar/corno di bassetto/pi)
  3. F. Poulenc (1899-1963): Flute sonata (fl/pi)
  4. G.Mahler (1860-1911): Quartet for piano and strings (vi/vla/vc/pi)
  5. W.A.Mozart (1756-1791). Quintetsatz KV90 (cla/corno di bassetto/ vi/vla/vc)
  6. M. Ravel (1875-1937): Tzigane (vi/pi)
  7. A. Piazolla (1921-1992): Four Seasons,Oblivion (vi/vc/pi)